Currently more a list of desiderata than a map.
Also see:
- The language TODO
- The issue trackers of the Ursalang projects, in particular:
Areas of concern
- Tutorial
- Reference (language and libraries)
- Specification (ditto)
- Ursadoc
Top-level commands
- Simple declarative format (TOML?)
- Produces a set of files (Zip)
- Containing Ursa/Ark sources (installation may run compiler—arbitrary code!)
- Represent a package as a URL whose scheme specifies whether it points at an archive or repo; a repo can contain packages (npm-like) or sources that need building.
- Controlled namespaces (like npm) can be implemented on top of the above (i.e. we don’t mandate a single canonical repo).
Other compiler backends
- LLVM or BRIL (could be in same repo to start with)
- Scheme (implement Ark in Scheme)
- Python
- 3rd-party types (like Typeshed/DT) for C, JavaScript, Python etc. libraries: need type declarations/parsers for TypeScript, C headers, Java classes, GLib IR etc. Installation of libraries and linking will be back-end–dependent. Pragma in declarations points to code (e.g. shared library). Need “types only” syntax for module declaration. A principled way to do this:
- Modules, first-class, have a type.
- Allow declarations without implementation of values (or treat module declarations as interfaces?)
Something like Rust.
Auto-detect syntax (JSON/Ursa): use filename, file contents (for #!
Standard libraries needed
- Introspection
- Data structures
- Math
- Network (client/server; including sockets?)
- File system (including pipes?)
- Terminal?
- Graphics (Canvas ((EaselJS)[]), OpenGL/WebGL ((PixiJS)[]))
- Text rendering
- Text handling (strings)
- Sound
- Keyboard, mouse/pointer
- Parallelism
- Concurrency
(Sockets and pipes give IPC.)
All else via FFIs/pure Ursa libs.